Film - CineRebels Competition


Directed by Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian


Director: Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian
Section: CineRebels Competition
Country: USA, United Kingdom
Year: 2024
Language: Algerian, Armenian, English, French
Version: Original version with English subtitles
Cast: Aquanaut Sylvia Earle, Extraterrestrial Intelligence hunter Jill Tarter, Political scientist Uday Mehta, Quantum physicist and futurist Michio Kaku, Senior Astronomer Franck Marchis
18+ (no age rating)


It’s an out-of-this-world experiment that asks, “What if?”

It shouldn’t be long before we colonize the moon. But what will that be like? What can we expect? Instead of waiting for it to happen, this entertaining documentary explores the psychological and social possibilities in an experiment held in a cave in Spain. Scientists, visionaries, and cultural inventors provide input in this not entirely serious dress rehearsal.

Show calendar
Photocredits: Nick Ballón; Director's Photo: Nick Ballón


  • (only P&I)
    City 3
  • After the film: Q&A with director Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian

    Kino, Mond & Sterne
  • After the film: Q&A with director Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian

    City 1
  • City 3

Meet the director


Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian

Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian made her debut as a director in 2013 with the documentary THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE ORCHESTRA. Her fifth film, DOPPELGÄNGERS³, premiered at the South by Southwest festival in 2024. She is the founder of the International Space Orchestra, the first orchestra in to involve NASA and the University of the Underground.


Screenplay: Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian
Director of Photography: Fiona Braillon
Film Editor: Xanna Ward Dixon, Rachel Roberts, Raluca Petre, David Potter
Sound design: Cliff Rossiter and Casimir Bowyer
Animation: Gene Limbrick
Producer: Sandra Leeming, Luke Moody
Production Company: Lono Moon Ltd, Nelly Ben Hayoun Studios Ltd
Executive producer: Sandra Whipham, Chrtistopher Hird
Co-Producer: Victoria Adams
World Sales: alief