This €10,000 award, endowed by the TELLUX holding company in Munich, is presented in memory of Fritz Gerlich, publisher of the magazine "Der gerade Weg" ("The Straight Path"). Following his conscience as a Catholic, he decried the inhuman ideology of the National Socialists early on and with exemplary courage. Soon after the party seized power, Gerlich became one of the first members of the intellectual and religious resistance to be murdered at the Dachau concentration camp on June 30, 1934. With this award, a filmmaker shall be honored whose work is shown at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN and who, like Fritz Gerlich, has decisively and unflinchingly taken a stand for human dignity and against persecution, ostracism, and humiliation.
The presentation of the award will be followed by a screening of this year’s winning film.
(by invitation only)Allerheiligen Hofkirche