An eccentric gangster drama with dazzling imagery and astonishing twists about a high-flying prince of the underworld.
Enea is a playboy, as is his best friend, a pilot named Valentino. Their lives revolve around tennis lessons, drugs, and parties. But when the drug lord for whom they deal cocaine is murdered, things take a serious turn. The fortune they’re sitting on proves too tempting and leads them toward moral bankruptcy.
City 1
(only P&I)City 1
Rio 1
Meet the director
Pietro Castellitto
Pietro Castellitto, born in Rome in 1991, is an Italian film director, actor, and screenwriter. He had his first acting role in DON’T MOVE (2004), which was directed by his father and scripted by his mother. He made his debut as a screenwriter and director in THE PREDATORS (2020), which received the award for best screenplay in Venice. His second feature film, ENEA, was also invited to Venice in 2023.