German Film Award for Peace – The Bridge
Film - Events Filmfest 2023

German Film Award for Peace – The Bridge


German Film Award for Peace – The Bridge

Tuesday, June 20
7:30 pm

The German Film Award for Peace – The Bridge stands for peace, understanding between nations, and the inviolability of human dignity. It takes its cue from the words Bernhard Wicki, director of the anti-war film “Die Brücke”: “Films cannot change the world or make it a better place, but they can create a climate that allows things to develop and change to take place.” The award is given to German and international films that stand out both in terms of their artistic vision and the human and political dimension they convey — films that stand as examples against the false prophets who would blind and mislead the world, films in which especially members of the younger generation, in Europe and all over the globe, show that they recognize and are willing to assume their political responsibility and uphold the spirit of freedom. The award is arranged in close collaboration with the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs and SPIO e.V., the umbrella organization of the German film industry.

By invitation only.

For more information (in German), see: