Film - Events Filmfest 2018




By invitation only

On July 3, within the setting of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN, the Tankred Dorst Award will be presented for the best screenplay written by a member of the current class of the Screenwriters' Workshop (Drehbuchwerkstatt) at HFF München.

The jury will consist of screenplay author Eva Kranenburg, director Nana Neul, and producer Ralf Zimmermann (Glory Film). Eva Kranenburg, who herself received the Tankred Dorst Award four years ago, is the author of the eagerly awaited series PERFUME, which will celebrate its premiere at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN. Nana Neul, also a Screenwriters' Workshop alumna, will again be showing one of her films at this year's festival: OUR CHILD, which will have its premiere in the New German TV Movies section. The screenplay for this TV movie was written by Screenwriters' Workshop alumna Kristl Philippi. Ralf Zimmermann is currently producing the feature film DER TRAFIKANT. Here, too, there is a connection to the Screenwriters' Workshop: alumnus Robert Seethaler penned the work on which the film is based.

Prior to the presentation of the award, the graduates of the class that is concluding will present their finished screenplays at a film industry reception given by the Screenwriters' Workshop. For the first time, and eagerly anticipated, a "writer's room task force" will go public and present a series developed over the course of 12 months.

Attending the reception of the Screenwriters' Workshop is possible only by written invitation.

Location: HFF München - Foyer / Audimaxx / Kino 1

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