Film - Retrospective | Bong Joon Ho Filmfest 2019


Directed by Bong Joon Ho


Director: Bong Joon Ho
Section: Retrospective | Bong Joon Ho
Country: France, Republic of Korea, USA
Year: 2013
Language: English
Version: Original version
Cast: Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Ed Harris, Tilda Swinton



The good news: we're done with climate change. The bad news: the scientific experiment to stop global warming led to the exact opposite result. Instead of rising temperatures, the Earth is now in the middle of a new ice age. Most humans died as a result of this climate catastrophe. The few survivors have banded together in a train that is speeding across the frosty landscape. The discussions among the passengers are that much more heated. The repressed lower class, huddled together at the end of the train, won't tolerate an unequal society any longer. A new revolution gathers steam as the insurrectionists fight their way from train car to train car, from shabby quarters to schools and salons, and then to the luxury compartments. The goal is to reach the engine room. That's not only where the legendary equipment is that powers the train, but also its inventor — who has a few more surprises in store.

Meet the director


Bong Joon Ho

Born in Daegu, South Korea, in 1969, Bong Joon Ho studied psychology at Yonsei University in Seoul before completing a two-year program at the Korean Academy of Film Arts. His first feature film, BARKING DOGS NEVER BITE, about a university lecturer who kidnaps undesirable dogs, was critically acclaimed and shown at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN in 2001. His breakthrough came with his second film, MEMORIES OF MURDER (2003), about a real series of murders. The satirical monster movie THE HOST (2006) and the science-fiction film SNOWPIERCER (2013) with its international cast drew more than nine million moviegoers each in South Korea, placing them both among the 20 most successful films of all time in that country. Bong's latest film, PARASITE (2019), which is showing this year in the CineMasters section at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN, was awarded the Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival.


Screenplay: Bong Joon Ho, Kelly Masterson
Original Material: Jacques Lob, Jean-Marc Rochette, Benjamin Legrand
Director of Photography: Kyon-Pyo Hong
Film Editor: Steve M. Choe
Composer: Marco Beltrami
Production Designer: Ondrej Nekvasil
Costume Design: Catherine George
Producer: Tae-Hun Lee
Production Company: Moho Film, Opus Pictures, Stillking Films
Co-Producer: Robert Beltrami
Distributor: MFA+ FilmDistribution e.K.