Book meets Film 2021
Film - Events Filmfest 2021

Book meets Film 2021


Book meets Film 2021

Book meets Film 2021 presents twelve books with outstanding potential for film adaptation as part of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN. All twelve publisher presentations in two-minute videos will be online and available for viewing for one month here. The corresponding link will also follow on June 30.

This year's selection of books includes new titles, some as yet unpublished, from a broad spectrum - from eco-crime novels to an escape room thriller to an artists' novel. But narrative nonfiction, a historical family saga and a children's novel are also represented. A jury of experts has previously decided on the selection of the books.

The publishers Diogenes, Franckh-Kosmos, Hanser/hanserblau, Haymon/Thomas Sessler Verlag, Klett Kinderbuch, Langen Müller, TraumFänger and Ullstein as well as the Breitling media agency are taking part in the pitch.

On July 7, 2021 at 2:00 p.m., Book meets Film invites industry representatives to enter into a conversation with publisher representatives about content, licenses, and options. The "" platform will be used for this purpose.

Please register in advance for the "" meeting at


Book meets Film has been an integral part of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN for 14 years and is the third important networking platform for the German-language book and film industry, alongside the Frankfurt Book Fair in the fall and the Berlinale in the winter. Book meets Film is organized by the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels - Landesverband Bayern and the Verband Druck und Medien Bayern. The sponsor is MedienNetzwerk Bayern, and media partners are FFF Bayern and FILMFEST MÜNCHEN.