Film - New German Cinema Filmfest 2022


Directed by Sandra Prechtel


Director: Sandra Prechtel
Section: New German Cinema
Country: Germany
Year: 2022
Language: German
Version: Original version with English subtitles
Cast: Kim Seligsohn, Lore Kübler
18+ (no age rating)


An inescapable family tragedy spanning three generations; a documentary worthy of a monument.

Kim has her music. Kim has her dogs. Kim has her faith. Kim struggles, every day: with anxiety, for a bit of normality, to stand on her own two feet. Kim’s mother, Lore, was deported to Auschwitz at the age of six. To this day, Lore is a DP, a displaced person. Lore has her index cards. From morning till night, she transcribes articles from the daily newspaper, archiving them in boxes and baskets. All her life, Lore has been silent: about her mother, about the hiding place where she survived, about Tom, her son, Kim’s brother, who took his own life. Kim instead wants to talk: about her childhood with Lore, about Tom, about the scarred lives they both lead. There is a lot of anger, a lot of strength, and a love between mother and daughter that was always there but could not be expressed.

Meet the director


Sandra Prechtel

Sandra Prechtel was born in Munich in 1969 and has lived in Berlin since 1991. After studying general and comparative literature, film, and political science, she wrote for jetzt magazine and ZEITmagazin and completed an editorial traineeship in the arts at Sender Freies Berlin. Since then, she has written and directed documentaries, written books, and continues to script radio features and segments for radio and television. Her films include SPORTSFREUND LÖTZSCH (2008), DIE BALLKÖNIGIN (2010), and ROLAND KLICK: THE HEART IS A HUNGRY HUNTER (2013).


Screenplay: Sandra Prechtel, Kim Seligsohn
Director of Photography: Susanne Schüle
Film Editor: Andreas Zitzmann
Composer: Reinhold Heil, Kim Seligsohn
Sound: Urs Krüger
Sound design: Anders Wasserfall, Andreas Hellmanzik
Producer: Mike Beilfuß, Urs Krüger
Production Company: Freischwimmer Film GmbH
Co-Producer: Annekatrin Hendel
Co-Production Company: IT WORKS! Medien GmbH
Distributor: Real Fiction Filmverleih e.K.
Editor: Rolf Bergmann
TV channel: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), Radio Bremen (RB)