Dystopian Soundscapes
Film - Events Filmfest 2022

Dystopian Soundscapes


Panel organized by Berufsvereinigung Filmton e.V.

The dystopian setting of the motion picture TIDES, which has been nominated for several awards, offers a distinctive aural experience: not many films produced in Germany offer such creative possibilities. The Berufsvereinigung Filmton e.V. invites you to become familiar with the sound designers behind these sonic fireworks and to venture a look behind the scenes with them. How are such emotive soundscapes created, what concepts and methods were involved, and how does the sound design of a film influence and support its narrative? TIDES will be shown in the original English.

Friday, July 1, 2022, 2:15 – 5:45 pm
Theatersaal / Amerikahaus

Open to the public.