Diversity in Film! Why Diversity Benefits All of Our Films
Film - Events Filmfest 2022

Diversity in Film! Why Diversity Benefits All of Our Films


Discussion organized by the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen faction in the Bavarian State Parliament

Film and television in this country still feature plenty of stereotypes and little that is inclusive or diverse. This is according to people who have long been campaigning for more diversity. Their claim, however, is borne out by studies such as that on “Diversity in Film” co-funded by the Green Party faction in the Bavarian State Parliament. Soon diversity will be a standard for giving out Academy Awards, or Oscars. How can we truly achieve diversity — of audiences and content, in front of and behind the camera? A discussion with funding institutions, broadcasters, and creative professionals.

Keynote address:
Deborah Williams (Creative Diversity Network, London)
Science summary: Elizabeth Prommer (Department of Media Research, University of Rostock)

Helge Albers (MOIN film funding)
Dorothee Erpenstein (FilmFernsehFonds Bayern)
Wolfgang Janssen (Rollenfang platform)
Björn Wilhelm (arts and culture programming, BR)

Moderator: Sanne Kurz, member of the Bavarian Parliament

Monday, June 27, 2022, 5:00 pm Goldberg Studios, Müllerstrasse 46a
Open to the public. Accessible.
Sign language translation.
English-German translation.