Tour of the New Penzing Studios
Film - Events Filmfest 2022

Tour of the New Penzing Studios


The Film Commission of FFF Bayern and FILMFEST MÜNCHEN are offering a tour of the new Penzing Studios just outside Munich as part of the CineCoPro Conference.

The new studio is located on a 270-hectare former air base. In addition to facilities for production on a complete range of scales, it offers a helipad and a wide variety of motifs such as a clinic, sports facilities, a taxiway, an officers’ mess, and much more. A special focus is on digital, and thus sustainable, production. The LED Stage Hyperbowl is Europe’s leading virtual production studio.

Thursday, June 30, 2022, 3:00 – 8:30 pm
Meet at: 2:45 pm at Königinstrasse 44, near the Giselastrasse subway stop.
Departure is at 3 pm.
Open to all the guests of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN.

Register by contacting: