Film - International Independents Filmfest 2023


Directed by Carmen Jaquier


Director: Carmen Jaquier
Section: International Independents
Country: Switzerland
Year: 2022
Language: French
Version: Original version with English subtitles
Cast: Lilith Grasmug, Sabine Timoteo, Mermoz Melchior, Noah Watzlawick, Benjamin Python
18+ (no age rating)


A feature film debut rich in atmosphere that hardly needs words to tell the story of a young woman's emancipation from the repressiveness of a strict Catholic society.

A mountain village in southern Switzerland around 1900. Elisabeth, 17, has been living in a convent for five years. As she's about to take her vows, the sudden death of her older sister forces her to return to the family farm. An oppressive silence weighs on this devout Catholic home, which spurs Elisabeth on to track down the circumstances of her sister's death.

Meet the director


Carmen Jaquier

Carmen Jaquier, born in Geneva in 1985, studied graphic design before turning to film. In 2004, she shot her first short film, BOUFFE MOI!, prior to studying film and screenwriting at the École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne. Her graduation film, LE TOMBEAU DES FILLES (2011), was awarded the Pardino d'Argento at the Locarno Film Festival. As a member of the Aamen collective, she experimented with image composition and editing. Both the collective film HEIMATLAND (2015), which she worked on, and her short film LA RIVIÈRE SOUS LA LANGUE (2015) were screened at Locarno as well. THUNDER is her first feature-length film; its world premiere was in Toronto.


Screenplay: Carmen Jaquier
Director of Photography: Marine Atlan
Film Editor: Xavier Sirven
Composer: Nicolas Rabaeus
Producer: Flavia Zanon
Production Company: Close Up Films
World Sales: WTFilms