A world premiere: On the trail of a political visionary.
As a founding member of the Green Party, Petra Kelly played a decisive part in shaping political discourse in West Germany in the 1980s. But who exactly was this person who brought hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets to protest the stationing of nuclear missiles? Using unreleased footage and interviews from international archives, this film depicts a sensitive yet resolute political visionary who let no one hold her back.
(only P&I)HFF Audimax
After the film: Q&A with Doris Metz and team
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After the film: Q&A with Doris Metz
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After the film: Q&A with Doris Metz
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Meet the director
Doris Metz
Doris Metz grew up in Oberstdorf. After studying German literature and political science, she spent ten years as an editor and writer at the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. Her film SCHATTENVÄTER, about the sons of Willy Brandt and East German spy Günter Guillaume, was released in 2005. She and Imogen Kimmel wrote and directed TRANS – I GOT LIFE, a documentary about the lives of trans individuals (FILMFEST MÜNCHEN 2021 Audience Award).