A world premiere: A bitterly brutal ballad ’bout brothers.
They say blood is thicker than water — and a fair amount of blood is spilled in this visually intriguing adaptation of Mark McNay’s novel of the same title about two very dissimilar brothers. Kai had been pretty happy not to have to deal with Mirko anymore. But when Mirko is released from prison and comes to collect his money, tensions escalate, as Kai has spent it in the meantime.
(only P&I)City 3
Before the film: Introduction with Damian John Harper and team
Cinema Filmtheater -
HFF Kino 1
Meet the director
Damian John Harper
Damian John Harper was born in Boulder, Colorado, in 1978. Holding a degree in anthropology, he worked as an ethnologist in Mexico and a cave-diving instructor in Brazil. From 2006, he studied documentary and promotional film at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF). In 2014, his graduation film, LOS ÁNGELES, earned the First Steps Award for best full-length feature. He then shot IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RIVER (FILMFEST MÜNCHEN 2018).