
A new era at the Filmfest


As of October 2023, Christoph Gröner has assumed the role of director of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN and FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH. Coinciding with this is the announcement of further staff changes and revised festival dates for 2024.

A new era at the Filmfest

After twelve years as festival director, Diana Iljine announced in May that she would be stepping down from that position. On October 1, Christoph Gröner officially became her successor. Several positions are being reorganized as a result. Julia Weigl, who previously curated many of the festival’s international films, will now be the artistic co-director of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN. Gröner and Weigl will thus be jointly structuring the content of the festival. Longtime Filmfest presenter Urs Spörri is being brought on board to co-curate the New German Cinema section, joining the proven team of accomplished curators Bernhard Karl, Florian Borchmeyer, Ulrike Frick, and Tobi Krell. Program scouts are being recruited to assist the curators in their search for world premieres of international films.

The 41st FILMFEST MÜNCHEN will be held from Friday, June 28 to Sunday, July 7, 2024. Various pre-opening events will already be underway on Friday , and on Saturday, June 29 prior to the opening gala which will be held that evening, in order to give industry representatives and audience members a casual initial impression of the 2024 festival program. In addition, the Kinderfilmfest will have its customary festive opening on Saturday morning, starting off a program that has a lot to offer the whole family.

If next summer seems too far off, we invite you to come to the 42nd FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) from November 12 to 18, where young filmmakers from all over the world will be presenting their short films. This year, 40 films will be screened in 10 program slots. Many of the directors will be there in person to hold question-and-answer sessions with the audience. You’ll find more information, along with the complete schedule starting on October 25, here.

See also

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